Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring biomolecule abundantly available in body tissues and fluids. Due to the prevalence of hyaluronic acid in the body and its desirable properties, HA has been utilized in several types of biomedical products. We offer 200mg a serving of hyaluronic acid in our beauty/sports formula, a fantastic value and more than any product can offer in a pure capsule form.
In humans, Hyaluronic acid is present in all organs and especially abundant in connective tissue. HA reaches higher concentrations in the cartilage tissue in the vitreous humor, the synovial fluid of the joints and in the umbilical cord and is responsible for the maintenance of tissue homeostasis.
Since hyaluronic acid is one of the main components of body tissues, its potential for tissue engineering applications has been highly touted.
Synovial fluid is one of the body fluids containing high molecular weight HA. Lubrication and viscoelasticity are provided by the high molecular weight HA in synovial fluid. In a healthy joint, high levels (2–4 g/L) of HA with high molecular weight (approximately 6–7 MDa) are required for synovial fluid to function properly.
HA has been extensively used for treatment of knee osteoarthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to act as a synovial lubricant.
Synovial spaces are the cavities of the joints that facilitate movement of adjacent bones.
Generally, ageing is the main reason for a reduction in HA molecular weight or HA concentration. After damage or ageing, synovial fluid cannot provide the required viscoelastic response to compression and tangential forces arising in everyday life, allowing cartilage-cartilage contact and increasing wear of the joint surface.